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School curriculums are beginning to change with the times and catering for future employment opportunities. The use of vision in the curriculum is becoming increasingly important and until now, the ability to analyse video has been either too complicated or too expensive.

iSports Video Analyser is perfect to compliment the needs of the curriculum. Whether it is for Physical Education- to cut, analyse and present vision and stats, a sports coaching subject, a technology and data subject, or a ‘Performance Analysis’ elective, iSports VA is the perfect affordable solution.

With the endless amounts of data and vision in professional sports settings, Performance analyst jobs are becoming more important for team success, with more jobs becoming available. Give your students a leg up in this area by adding performance analysis elements to the curriculum.

Curriculum Ideas

  • Analyse game vision and present a stats report regarding positives and growth areas
  • Analyse Individual game performance and trends and suggest areas for improvement.
  • Create a highlights video for the school AFL team
  • Analyse vision, provide a stats report, and suggest ideas for training to improve performance.


Contact us to discuss how iSports can be used in the classroom.